About Our Founder,
David Mayer
Inquiring Mind
In Amsterdam, Dave produced video, worked as a jazz pianist and composed music for film, theater and vocal groups. He later moved to Prague, covering business and features for The Prague Post, a weekly newspaper. Video, music and theater work also took him to Great Britain, Germany, Hungary and France. His 12 years in Europe helped open his eyes to the myriad ways people communicate.
Jingle Composer
Returning to the United States in 1996, Dave composed jingles for television and scored industrial films for a wide variety of clients the major auto companies.
The Birth of a Burst
As the internet exploded, Dave seized the opportunity to start a company solely devoted to crafting stories for the web. Bringing his musical and journalistic training to bear, he discovered the most effective way to use video on the web was to break up information into “bursts”. This is how, in 2009, he founded Videoburst.
A videoburst joins the conversation already going on in viewers’ heads by addressing their interests and concerns, packing a lot into a short presentation and leaving them wanting more.
Internet users want the real thing and generally have a low tolerance for slick production. Visitors to your website are often on a mobile device and easily distracted – they’re willing to give you a chance, but their time is limited.
This is why the entire point of a videoburst is to capture a glimpse of what is authentic and credible about your brand.
Whether entertaining, informative, instructional or promotional, videobursts are crafted specifically for the web are often used to power social media marketing campaigns.

About Our Founder,
David Mayer
Inquiring Mind
In Amsterdam, The Netherlands, David Mayer produced video, worked as a jazz pianist and composed music for film, theater and vocal groups. He later migrated to Prague, Czech Republic, covering business and features for The Prague Post, a weekly newspaper. Video, music and theater work also took him to Great Britain, Germany, Hungary and France.
Jingle Composer
Returning to the United States in 1996, he composed jingles for television and scored industrial films for clients such as Art Van, GM and K-Mart.
The Birth of a Burst
As the internet exploded, Mayer seized the opportunity to start a company solely devoted to crafting stories for the web. Bringing his musical and journalistic training to bear, he discovered that the most effective way to use video on the web was to break up information into “bursts”, giving users maximum control. This is how, in 2009, he founded Videoburst.
A videoburst joins the conversation already going on in viewers’ heads by addressing their interests and concerns, packing a lot into a short presentation and leaving them wanting more.
Internet users have a much lower tolerance for slick production techniques than television audiences because they are active, alert and in control, constantly making choices.
This is why the entire point of a videoburst is to capture a glimpse of what is authentic and credible about a person or organization.
Whether entertaining, informative, instructional or promotional, videobursts are crafted specifically for the sensibilities of web users and are often used to power social media marketing campaigns.

Call us at (248) 935-0110 to see how we can help your business.